Monday, August 01, 2011

Family Dinner and Cousins!!

It's not very often that I see many of my cousins, most of them live far away and they, like all of us have so much going on. However,  this past year we have had cousins, aunts and uncles come to visit and it has been so much fun to see them and catch up every time!It was after the Swiss picnic, we headed over to my cousin Savannah's house. It was great to have Janeil, Kaylynn, Brenda, Tyler, Allison and Shauna all from out of town and of course the townies, the grandparents and Savannah and Clayne.
We had delicious food and all kinds of fun in the grass, sand, swing set and trampoline. The weather was perfect and we all had a wonderful time!

 Thanks to everyone for coming and making schedules work so we could all get to see each other, It was wonderful to see each of you!!!