Thursday, June 02, 2011

Jack: Six Months

Jack keeps getting bigger and bigger. He is finally fitting into some of the clothes I bought him a year ago! He squeals more, talks to himself, hums himself to sleep, rolls all over the place, loves to get his toys, loves giraffe sophie and to chew on her feet, loves the heat registers (he stares and laughs at them, funniest thing), always looking around taking in all the sights, easily distracted when nursing (so he can look around), talked to Uncle Jesse, lights up when he's with his Daddy, is a Mr Pee-Body! This kid can soak a diaper like nobody's business, he wakes up every night with his clothes soaked through. I guess his kidneys work.

Height: 26.25 in
Weight: 15 lbs 14 oz

{my two sleepy babies}

He is such a good little boy and although we all have our moments we are continually grateful for such a great kid!